Photograh - Ed Sheeran

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

My First Working Experience

Assalamualaikum and Hi, 
I think this is my first post since my last post on January. Today, I would like to share about my experience to have my first jobs.

After a few days at home , I just thinks to search a job for fill my time. So, I have gone to Kuala Lumpur and stay with my aunties. It is quiet hard to find a job actually. I have apply to many company but still there is no respond from them. Some of them have call me for interview but still no answer. Lastly, I have go to The Store M3 Mall and apply there. Luckily I get the jobs. Alhamdulillah.

After a few weeks, I am feel more comfortable with the circumferences there. Even I feel a little bit tired , I am very happy with my jobs now. I think that my confident level increase and improve well. The moment that I can't forget is when I get my first salary. It's hard to describe the feelings. Only Allah knows my feeling at that moment. 

I think that's from me for today. Gonna see you later. Bye.